Friday, April 25, 2008

Too Wet to Till - But Alternatives Available (TWTT - BAA )

April 26th is upon us, but it has rained in the past 4 days, so -- we will not be tilling the garden on Saturday, April 26th. But I do have some good news, Wasatch Community Gardens has a tiller which we can use as soon as the soil looks like it is tillable. But, there is no garden meeting, no garden tilling, and no garden party this weekend.

However, if you would like to do some garden-related work, here are some additional ideas/opportunities:
  • help the CCNS Nursery School (housed in the RE Building during the week) -- their Landscape Committee will be doing some work in the church's playground area on Saturday morning, April 26th, 9-11 am or so
  • pull out your dandelion weeding tool and weed the garden lawn, the church lawn, the house lawn, and/or the playground lawn - this is part of an effort to reduce the need for application of chemicals on the church's lawns
  • rake some more straw off the garden - we cleared most of it, but not all - whatever is left, we plan to just till into the soil along with some compost - raked straw should either be bagged or placed up against the fence on the north side of the garden
  • take a look at our garden blog [ ] and write an admiring and supportive comment or record any additional work you do in the garden
  • start some tomato or pepper or other plants from seed in pots at home - we will need some "already started" plants when we are ready to plant -- if you need pots, there are a bunch behind the compost pile on the south side of the garden
What we still need:
  • seeds and starters
  • compost
One bit of disappointing news, our garden mailing list was a casualty of the church's move to a new web site. I will need to set up a new list - probably a Yahoo group. I will contact you with that information as soon as it is set up.

1 comment:

Joan Gregory said...

Post a comment if you do some work on a particular task.