Saturday, April 12, 2008

Task - Raking the Area outside the Fence at the Sidewalk

If anyone is eager to get started, one additional task is to rake the parking strip and the sloped area just outside the garden (at the sidewalk).

There are lots of leaves there. So, be sure to bag the leaves and put them behind one of the compost piles.

And if no one has time for this, this week, no problem, we'll just include it in the work on April 19th.


Joan Gregory said...

Melanie stayed after church on Sunday to clean up the parking strip and area outside the garden. She wrote: "I raked all the area from the garden fence to the sidewalk after church on Sunday. The parking strip still needs to be raked. Remind people to bring sturdy lawn and leaf bags - I double bagged with the trash can liners - but eventually we'll probably have to put even those into more sturdy bags."

Joan Gregory said...

Thanks, Melanie. Looks great! Reminder to all - if you come to work the garden this week, be sure to bring some sturdy leaf bags and a rake.