Sunday, April 20, 2008

Straw, Straw, Straw

Three of us (Joan, Bob, and Bob's dog) worked on Saturday afternoon, clearing straw.

On the left is what the straw looked like at the beginning of April. When Bob and I started raking on Saturday, Becky had already made some marvelous straw piles which we were able to just bag. (Thank you, Becky!)

We raked and bagged 10 bags of straw (right). And unearthed a number of hoses and rocks, and a treasure or two!

And while it seemed like we bagged a lot of straw, there is more.

But we are hoping that what is left on top of the garden can be tilled into the soil. And that what is on the side of the garden can be used as ground cover to discourage the weeds.

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